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If you are interested in purchacing this painting, or if you would like more information about it, please do not hesitate to sent me an email through the contact form

De Zakkendragers

€ 2.750,00Prijs
  • "De Zakkendragers"


    For my research about the crafts and the craftsmen I went to visit the depot of the Jenever Museum in Schiedam, and there I found a whole archive of beautiful pictures from all the hard working people in and around the factory. From those pictures a created a collage and used that as an inspiration for my paintings.

    Another big source of inspiration for this project for me was the painter Marc Chagall, A Russian painter from the 1880's who used colors so poeticly he made the most dark and sad subjects seem romantic.


    91 x 121 cm

    Colored ink, graphite, oil and softpartels on paper. 

    Framed on wood. 

 © 2024 studio kling

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